YAJU Over 9000 Pre-Workout Review
A pre-workout is a supplement that you take before your workout to get more exercise energy, power, endurance, focus and muscle pump to give. The active ingredients in yaju's over 9000 pre-workout have been carefully chosen with the aim of...
Ecdysterone 101:What is Ecdysterone and how does it work?
Ecdysteroids, a fascinating class of compounds with potential for muscle-building benefits, have recently attracted attention in the world of sports and fitness. Beta-ecdysterone, a natural compound related to insect growth hormones, is found in plants and is thought to interact...
All about Magnesium Threonate
Magnesium deficiency in the daily diet is a common problem.(1)This is concerning because the body and brain use magnesium in many processes.(2) Although it is preferable to obtain magnesium from food, there are a number of problems. Magnesium levels in...
The Benefits and Side Effects of Ashwagandha
What is Ashwagandha? Withania somnifera, better known as Ashwagandha is a plant that mainly grows in India. The roots have been used in Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine) for more than 4,000 years. Ashwagandha roughly translates to 'smell of a horse'...
10 Benefits of Ecklonia Cava
What is Ecklonia Cava Ecklonia Cava is one brown seaweed which is found on the coast of the Yellow Sea in Japan and Korea, among others. Reportedly, about 30 million euros has been spent(!) on research into the effect of this...